Family Slideshow

Friday, December 25, 2009

Monday, December 21, 2009

Candy Sleds

We made some cute little candy sleds to hand out to the kids lastnight at church after the Christmas program.

They are pretty simple. Just takes a fun-size candy bar and 2 miniature candy canes and a couple of gummy bears for each sled and melt some chocolate bark for the "glue"

I think the kids really liked them. And Jeremiah had fun passing them out! Randy and I were both kind of shocked that all 3 kids actually participated and did very well in the play this year!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Watching the Snow

It was kind of pretty lastnight looking out the window and seeing the reflection of lights from the tree, as well as the snow coming down outside. Kind of just a cozy, Christmas-y feeling. It's been nice having the family home and safe and warm and not having to go anywhere on the yucky roads. I've been busy making Christmas candy while Randy's been busy making deer sticks, jerky, etc. The kids have been enjoying watching holiday movies. Have to enjoy it while it lasts! And pray that the roads get better so we can make it to the Live Animal Christmas Play this weekend!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Putting up the Christmas tree

It was really fun this year kicking back and watching the kids do the tree. Usually I struggle to bring the tree up from the basement because Randy is usually hunting, but he was actually here to bring it up for me. YAY! Also, I usually assemble it myself, but I just sat on the couch and enjoyed watching Jeremiah do it this time. Then the kids had fun decorating it while Randy and I just kicked back and relaxed and talked about how they are growing up too fast!

The following picture is blurry as a result of Hannah running right in front of the camera just as I was taking this picture, but I posted it because we all thought it was rather interesting the way the lights look in it.

They had a lot of fun and did a pretty good job without our help!