Family Slideshow

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Pizza Hut

o.k. I forgot to bring the camera lastnight. What was I thinking? I must be a mom or something because I was making sure I had all 3 kids, and that they all had their shoes and coats and gloves on, and that I had our bag of books and movies to return to the library, and that I had my purse and keys, and that I had my own shoes and coat on. (Thank goodness the kids are all potty trained and I don't have to remember a diaper bag too). So it isn't until we met up with Randy and went to Pizza Hut that I think *Oh duh, I should have brought the camera* With doing this blog now I should be bringing my camera along with me. But it isn't a thought that comes naturally for me because a camera is usually something I think of when we go on vacations, not for a trip to town. Anyway.....we went to Pizza Hut lastnight because the kids are in the "Book It " program where they get a personal pan size pizza for each month if they complete their reading goals for that month. But since I forgot my camera I guess all I have to offer is pictures of the leftovers of the pizza Randy and I shared. And no, I didn't think it was possible to have leftovers after a meal with Randy either, but it is!! :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Both of you last posts are great. It does take a little time to get used to always having the camera,and the batteries(or the battery charged) BUT it is worth it !!! BUT you will get the hang of it :O) I am baking pumpkin pies today as well (for the bus kids tomorrow) But I let "Mrs. Smith" do the work! Hope you have a great day tomorrow with your famly...DON'T FORGET THE CAMERA !!