Family Slideshow

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Where Oh Where Has My Summer Gone?

Oh where, oh where could it be? Could it really be September 1st already? Where did June, July, and August go? This was the craziest, busiest summer I think we have ever had!! I took pictures of different things throughout the summer, but never took the time or even HAD the time to do any blogging!! We started back up our school year here recently, so spare time probably won't get any better. However, I will try to get a few things on here as time allows! One bonus for our daughter has been that our neighbors have had their granddaughter over quite a lot, and she and Hannah have become pretty good buddies over the summer months! Here are a couple pictures of them having some fun:

It's so nice that she finally has someone else to play with other than those crazy brothers!!

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